Thursday, May 14, 2009



Our bodies are the most amazing bio-chemical machines that roam God's green earth. Ok, ok... the animal too, but this is about us. Our bodies are so amazing, they are capable of consuming nutritional substances from the earth and after processing it, can reproduce it in the form of literature, technological gadgetry, etc.. for our own benefit. Just think of it, the thoughts we conjure up are in fact by products of food we ate which originated from the earth in the form of meat and fruit and vegetables.

That car you driving was such a thought, the house you are living in was such a thought and so was the computer you're reading this from, before they were not. Scientists call this matter, but does it really matter what we call it? Some say its energy, since energy cannot be used up or destroyed it changes is state and form. Lets look at gasoline fuel for instance. It's a form of energy which is transformed by the cars engine to produce speed and distance for our benefit, but the fumes it releases, are in fact still gasoline but in a different state and form. These fumes, are now the fuel used and processed by plants, trees and phytoplankton to produce oxygen for humans to breath, but its still the petroleum in a different state and form, now predominant in air and in water. But this oxygen we then breath combines with various food molecules inside our bodies to form the enzymes to replenish its own cells, have mobility, and think thoughts, thus the books we write and the songs we sing is still the petroleum but in a different state of form. Other read our books and are entertained by our music thus this enjoyment received is still... you guessed it "our original petroleum". Having said that, its now easy to see how everything is matter and exist as one or a combination of the elements known to man and can change its form as necessary.

Sand and water are, give or take a few other ingredients, the elements to produce grass and vegetables. Grass and water, give or take a few others ingredients are the components to raise cattle. Cattle, water, vegetable and give or take a few other ingredients makes man but that is just the overview.

Soil, or mother earth is our origin and our inevitable destination, but before we get there, lets look at the big picture. Our bio-chemical marvels are in fact full-on automated chemical factories run by intelligent software, operating 24-7-365 sometimes for as much as 100 years. The part we play in the scheme of things is to give it a constant supply of essential ingredients and keep it clean and relatively germ free. Not a very difficult task, but should we fail in the germ free department, our bio-chemical marvels has the software to diagnose and auto-repair if given the appropriate components it needs to do this. Restated, our bodies has the ability to heal itself if it has the necessary components with which to effect this. If we look at the example of scurvy, which is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, we find that the body cannot synthesis its own vitamin C thus presents the symptoms and illness associated with scurvy, however if we give the body the necessary vitamin C, it will heals itself completely (the doctor, doesn't do any healing, he only prescribed the Vitamin). Arthritis is the decay of bone bone and cartilage but this only happened because the body ran out of the raw materials to make bone and cartilage but if given these materials in abundance with reverse the situation completely.

Almost 2500 years ago Hippocrates said "Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food". He was known as the father of medicine and what he said is only staring to kick into effect in the 21st century.

When we plant a vegetable or fruit seed, it springs into life to bring forth beautiful and tasty offerings for us to eat, but within its fleshy edible parts exists minute particles of elements that it seeked out in the soil, processed it and converted it into a state and form that is edible and digestible by the human body. Lets for arguments sake take calcium.

Calcium is readily found in dolomite rock deposits and in bone, so in order to have an abundant source of calcium we can either grind the calcium rock or the bone into powder form and eat it. Even though our bodies will benefit somewhat from this type of calcium, neither is in a format that is desired and digestible by the human body. If the bones were buried and left to decay, the bacteria within the soil would have broken the bone down and processed it into a state and form digestible to plants, whereas dolomite is originally in the state and form for consumption by plants. Now, when the plant consumes that calcium it converts it into a composite which is the edible state and form of calcium easily absorbed by the human body. So this type of calcium is a thousand times more beneficial and the laboratory synthesized type sold in supermarkets and health shops. This composite form of dolomite and other essential mineral is termed phytonutrients available from Phyonutrients are organic nutritional supplements essential for optimum health.

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