Sunday, February 12, 2017




Since colonial times, the French have always been a controversial nation, especial their soldiers. One just has to look at the rampage and the mass rape of Italian women by these French Colonial Soldiers during and WWII and after the Battle of Monte Cassino in Italy. Historians claims that the "French Genocidal Fuhrer Napoleon" was as "barbaric" as Hitler, if not worse because Hitler considered Napoleon as his Hero. Napoleon was ruthless and responsible for thousands of executions. With this force of might the French as a nation colonized several remote countries, the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia, Canada and Haiti as well as several countries in Africa, among which are the Ivory Coast, Benin, Mali, French Guinea, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Algeria, etc. 

However, independence to all the natives of these countries came at a huge personal cost because France was determined not to relinquish its strong-hold over its ex-colonies, whatsoever the cost. For several decades, France sucked the natural wealth out of Africa like a gigantic parasite, causing poverty, disease , hunger, malnutrition and underdevelopment; which in turn fueled despair, conflict and tremendous violence. As long ago as 1957 Former French president  François Mitterand prophesied that: 

“Without Africa, France will have 
no history in the 21st century”.

His successor, former French President Jacques Chirac shared his sentiments when he said; 

“Without Africa, France will slide down 
into the rank of a third world power”. 

The amount of power France usurped from these countries through monetary control is really astounding, and ever since all members of the CFA Franc are mandated to deposit up to 85 per cent of their country’s foreign exchange earnings in the French national treasury.

One could consider France's stronghold over these countries as a "colonial tax", charged for the benefits of slavery and colonization they left behind.  When President Ahmed Sékou Touré of Guinea opted for independence, the french colonial elite in Paris threw a historic fit and in their fury destroyed everything in Guinea  that represented the benefits of French colonization. Schools, research institute instruments, public administration buildings,  cars, books, medicine and tractors were destroyed,  horses, cows on farms were killed and any food stored in warehouses were either burned or poisoned. 

Sylvanus Olympio, the first president of the Republic of Togo didn't want a repeat performance of this in his country when he sought independence , so he agreed to reimbursement the “colonial debt” which was virtually half the country's budget at the time. But this didn't change anything because France got an ex French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant called Etienne Gnassingbe to assassinate Olympio.

When Modiba Keita, the first president of the Republic of Mali, withdraw from the  french colonial currency, he became the victim of a coup carried out by another ex French Foreign legionnaire -Lieutenant Moussa Traoré. 

David Dacko, the first President of the Central African Republic did the same and suffered the same consequences by the hand of ex-french foreign legionnaire  Jean-Bédel Bokassa. 

Maurice Yaméogo, the first President of Burkina Faso, was another victim of a coup carried by  an ex French legionnaire Aboubacar Sangoulé Lamizana. 

President Hubert Maga, the first President of the Republic of Benin, also suffered the same fate when  a coup was carried out against him by Mathieu Kérékou, his personal  security guard who had French Foreign legion ties. And the list goes on.

While I was in Magagascar, involved in the national role-out of an educational network, President Mark Ravalamanana decided to cut ties with France and to import technology from Germany and America. Within days a coup took place against him  and President Mark Ravalamanana was quickly replaced my acting Malagasy President Andry Nirina Rajoelina. With all the roadblocks and a massive military presence who harassed all foreigners,  it was time to leave. But after witnessing a gun battle at the president house, we left immediately.

During the past 50 years, a total of 67 coups took place in  Africa, 16 of which occurred in Francophone countries, instigated or orchestrated by France. Most of these French speaking nations in Africa can bear testimony to the level of violence France perpetrated against its ex-colonial subjects. So, using the words of President Ahmed Sékou Touré of Guinea they collectively declare that,

“We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.” 

Today many of Africa's populace want France to restore whatever she has usurped and some are willing to force France to take responsibility for her atrocities. So, when the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) bomber who was "responsible for the Paris metro attack"  decide to get some payback for all the torture, mass murder, rape and oppression committed by the French in Algeria, the World was up in arm and everyone still wonders why France became  the first western European country to suffer "Radical Islamist terrorism" and is continually targeted by terrorist attacks. Admittedly it's really tragic, when someone extracts revenge on "innocent people" who are not directly responsible for the atrocities of their forebears. Undeniably, it is their right to fight to ward off oppression, because oppression is certainly worse than murder. Though this bring to mind the biblical verse Ezekiel 18:20. 

"The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity,
nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity".

In my book, there is no justification for such attacks on innocents, but invariably people may forgive but seldom forget. Hence the phrase, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". 


Just a few days ago four French policeman were accused of sexually raping and assaulting a '22 year-old black man' with a truncheon during a brutal arrest in Saint-Denis. Protesters demanding justice for this black man, and were fired upon with teargas. As a result they set fire to several rubbish bins and cars. I suppose rape and brutal force, torture, murder and oppression has always been the French colonial way for centuries, though it's not fair to pant all french peoples with the same brush. My personal experience with the French whilst I lived in Versailles as well as in Saint-Denis whilst in Paris, was really bad. They are an unfriendly, unhelpful and a snobbish bunch of people. Once again I shouldn't generalize because there are some good folk among them.

Case in point, just a few days ago a  French farmer by the name of Cedric Herrou was on trial for helping migrants across Italian border, however he was charged with  a €3000 suspended fine in the high court. He is a scholar and a gentleman,  among a nation of brutes and usurpers who are totally complacent and very contented that their economy scavenges off the poor people of Africa. Africa as a continent is extremely rich in resources, yet the bulk of its people are extremely poor. All thanks to France with the backing of the IMF and the World Bank. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017



According to German author Wolfgang Mider, ‘Good fences make good neighbours'. Really? Eventhough a version of this saying exists among several cultures and uttered in many languages globally, it is totally ambiguous, nonsensical, let alone true, not to mention ridiculous. 

Historically, during the the Cold War, more than 3 million East Germans escaped to West Berlin. So, in order to stem this mass exodus the Communist East German authorities erected the Berlin wall almost overnight. This wall was in fact a 'Wall of Shame' because it divided a nation, spit families and especially considering that the  Western Deutsche mark was worth six times more than the Eastern Deutsche mark. It stymied peoples potential to earn and move freely.  After the fall of the wall, seventy five percent of East Germans interviewed, said the fall of the wall had improved their lives substantially. So how could the Ashkenazi German-Jew Wolfgang Mider get it so wrong? At a another point in time there was the "Black wall of Death" at Auschwitz-Birkenau Germany -- the “Final Solution" to the the Jewish Question (die Endlösung der Judenfrage). It served as backdrop to Jewish and Polish executions during world war II.  Then there is the Western Wall -- a surviving remnant of the Temple Mount-- in Jerusalem where Jews mourn and wail.  

From the above it is clear that the Jews seem to know a lot about walls. No wonder the Jewish State of Israeli built a  barrier wall along the West Bank -- Green Line. Splitting-up innocent families, separating them from their crop fields,  restricting their movements, denying them access to parts of the city. Making the Palestinian's lives miserable. Israeli Jews call it a security barrier against terrorism. But in reality the wall promotes racial segregation, it's an "apartheid" wall. 

'The Great wall of china' was built by the Qin Dynast to protect its citizens and its territory from hostile nomadic invasions. But it also restricted peoples movements, locked them in, effectively it imprisoned them. This may have been necessary centuries ago, in a hostile and uncivilized world. Are walls of such a nature really necessary in a modern day world with organisations like the EU (European Union) and the AU (African Union) than can amicably resolved issues at a global level? Walls invariably serve different purposes but in general, walls divide. Walls are exclusionary. Walls are tools of discrimination. Walls exude intolerance. Walls are just down right shellfish and disruptive. 

Having said that, Donald Trump is discriminatory, exclusionary, and intolerant of Mexicans and wish to promote all these sick values by erecting a wall between Mexico and the  southern border of the United States. For starters the proposed 1078,26 km by 17 meter high concrete  wall. This Trump  Border Wall is the epitome of poor leadership and bad governance. Not surprisingly, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu with his bad judgement backs Trump's Mexico wall, and even suggested a similar wall on the Egyptian border as a 'great idea'. Be that as it may, with a conservative estimated  price tag of 2.5 million USD  per kilometer, the Trump Wall project could cost American taxpayers more than 2698 million USD because Mexico will downright refuse to foot the bill.  Besides destroying kilometers of the local environment and ecosystems,  the wall would also inhibit the free movement for animals that need to travel for food and water. The wall would also disrupt the mating pool of wildlife, both big and small, which would potentially lead to a decline in genetic diversity and perhaps extinction.

Donald Trump's issued a presidential order to restrict innocent Iranian, Iraqi, Libyan, Somalian, Sudanese, Syrian and Yemeni Muslim from entering the United States borders. This equates to an unadulterated hatred of Muslims.  Donald further confirmed his Islamophobia or Muslimophobia stand when he stated that Syrian Christians will get priority refugee status over Muslims.  In essence that makes Trumps order unconstitutional,  immoral and un-American. Donald trump is currently the most unpopular president of America but with his bombastic attitude is soon to become the most unpopular, most disliked, even most hated president in the world.

America constitutes communities of immigrants from all parts of the world. Even Donald Trump's German forebear Frederick Trump was an immigrant  who worked as barber and a hotel manager. What gives him the right to deny other immigrants willing and intent to make a like alongside all the other immigrant families of the world. Shellfish and arrogance comes to mind. Or perhaps it's genetically inherited from his German ancestry who were also very familiar with walls.

Sunday, January 22, 2017



The age old axiom "As happy as  a pig in shit" is absolutely true, and to take it a little further, so is "You are what you eat"! Meaning if you eat pork, you will eventually develop the persona of a pig and even start acting like one. The expression "As greedy as a pig" sums up what gluttons overdo. "Pigging out is another". Much like humans, pigs are also omnivores. Again, much like humans, pigs can also become extremely obese. Boar pigs are the only animal in the entire animal kingdom that invites several fellow boar pigs to copulated with a single sow - something like a  "gang rape". Regrettably, this is what some mentally defunct men sometimes resorted to. Yet there are women who willingly participate in making multi partner porno movies, mimicking sows. "Snore like a pig" is another trait of over eating before going to sleep and a favorite pastime of pigs. Bottom line, pigs are vile with the result that humans have even coined the phrase "To behave like a pig". Then there is also "As dirty as a pig"!

Pigs are oprophagic beasts which is the condition often associated with other animals that eat their own feces and that of others. While most humans find this absolutely disgusting, it is yet a natural phenominon for dogs, dung beetles, flies, hamsters, rabbits and some primates. Pigs live in and eat their own feces and vomit, as well as that of others and even consume the  corpses of fellow pigs. They simply love shit and even mate in shit but are not immune to the  illnesses, ailments, affliction and diseases, which are the direct corollary of their enjoyment. Such filth is a  recipe for STDs like, syphilis and herpes, gonorrhea and chlamydia, hepatitis and crabs, genital warts and chancroid, and HIV/AIDS. These little fuckers are diseased from their trotters to their teeth and pig farmers are trying their utmost to control the situation with all sorts of toxic medication so that the meat can go to market. Meanwhile literal human ass licking is just another piggish behaviour that some humans imitate as a consequence of consuming pork. Not forgetting those men and women who indulge in rear-end behaviour with other men and women, which more than reinforces the adage "As happy as  a pig in shit".


1) Amitraz and Ivormectin are insecticides but more specifically scabicides used to treat scabies and ticks on pigs and to eradicate other ectoparisites like mange.

2) Phosmet is essentially an EPA toxicity class II compound used as a general purpose pesticide for pigs to eradicate parasites like lice, mites, flies, etc, as well as for the treatment of mange.

3) Doramectin and Levamisole are injectable treatment against, whip worms, stomach worms, large white worms, red stomach worms, lung worms, kidney worms, thread worms, nodular worms, muscle worms, etc. in pigs.

4) Oxytetracycline, Microfac and Chlortetracycline are in-feed antibiotic against enzootic pnuemonia, chronic respiratory disease, streptococal meningitis, Atropic rhinitis, etc.

5) Furazolidone and neomycin are treatments to combat diarrhoea or Scour in piglets, effectively caused by  e.coli, Salmonella Infection and colibacillosis, and the list goes on.

6) Swine flue (H1N1) is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by one of many Influenza A viruses. Almost 25 percent of pigs that contract swine flu will die from it because there is no treatment specifically for flu viruses. Swine flue is quickly spread by both direct and indirect contact, specifically transmitted by  pigs that are infected but do not show any symptoms 

7) Cystitis and nephritis are inflammations of the  bladder and kidney respectively. The bacteria organism causing it is usually Actinobaculum suis aka E. coli which is impossible to exterminate and is indubitably present in every herd of pigs.

Not only do pharmaceutical companies supply the above medications for pigs, a vast amount of medications are created from the pigs themselves.  The global pharmaceutical, healthcare and medical sectors are some the world’s fastest growing industries, usurping more than 13 percent  of the gross domestic product of all developed countries. Big Pharma's secret to amassing this vast fortune, is harvesting animals for medical research and for their biological enzymes. 

Animal products are commonly used in numerous drugs and prescription medications, most of which are derived from pigs or cows. Religions like Judaism (kosher), Islam (halal) and Hinduism, forbids the consumption of pigs in any form, with the Hindus also forbidding the consumption of beef. Since the global Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), scare, aka "Mad Cow  Disease"; the use of bovine matter for the use in medicines have permanently ceased. Mainly because neurological problems from "Mad Cow Disease" can  easily be transmitted to humans who consume food or medications  contaminated with either the brains, spinal cords or the digestive tracts of infected carcass, especially considering that "Mad Cow  Disease" has in incubation period of 2 to 5 years. 

That being said, "Mad Cow  Disease"  killed more than a 175 people in the UK, and more than 50 in Western European countries that import beef from the UK. Unfortunately before controls on high-risk offal were introduced, more than 480 000 BSE-infected animals had already entered into the human food chain. As a result of this, pigs have subsequently become the main biological sources for medications for human use. 


Medications like  Heparin which is an anti coagulant medication (prevents or treat blood clots) is made from the mucosal tissues of pig intestines. Then there is Porcine  Insulin (derived from pig's pancreas) which differs from human insulin by a single  amino acid, the  difference is invisible to the human immune system, hence pork insulin is weakly antigenic and results in few allergic reactions. Then there is Pig Pancreatic enzyme supplements used in 
Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy to aid digestion. 

Pepsin and MMR vax (abbreviation for Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine) are just a few medications manufactured from an extraction of pig enzymes. Several other products made from extracts of the pig's pancreas, spleen, thyroid, trachea and kidney, are further processed into supplements for consumption by both human and animal. Then there is also gelatin (obtained by boiling the trotters, skin, ligaments, tendons, and bones of pigs in water) which is predominantly used for making capsule caps and hydrocolloids wound dressings. It is also used as a binding agent in the making of sweets like, wine gums, licorice and chewing gum, etc. 

L-cysteine is a protein made from human hair, feathers, pig bristle or bovine hair, used to soften the dough for making bread. Glycerin is an ingredient obtained from cow or pig fat but it is also  plant-derived (from seaweed) and is an essential ingredient in some types of toothpaste. Other medicines and pet foods also contain pig gelitine, ranging from pain relievers to multivitamins. Some Ice creams, whipped creams, butter and yoghurts also contain gelatin derived from pigs and bovine. Powdered pig bones is also a source of calcium used in some yoghurts. 

Bristle is  pigs hair and is used to make paint brushes but is often used in the food industry as a pastry brushes for oiling  baking trays. Even some hygiene and beauty products contain fatty acids and other remains of pigs extracted from the bone fat of pigs. This is exactly what gives shampoos and conditioners, body lotions, moisturizers, foundations and anti-wrinkle creams their shiny, pearl-like appearance.  Various other pig by-products are  fabric softener,  crayons, candles,  washing powder, hide and bone glue for shoes and  furniture glue, skins for drums (musical instruments), pig skin shoes, fertilizers and additives to the  feeds of livestock and chickens. To view the list of pig ailments and sickness that can easily pass onto you if you consume swine. 


Genetic analysis surprisingly revealed that pigs and apes have comparable traits with humans and that pigs, primates and humans share numerous genetic similarities. So much so, that pig heart valves are commonly used in heart valve replacement surgeries for human beings; and  transplanting organs and tissues from pigs to humans are currently at a record high. Other pig tissues like the submucosa of the small intestine and its pericardia are also used for general surgery applications in the human body and to repair wounds. Using human stem cells, scientists even attempted to grow human organs inside  of pigs, in order to address organ donor shortage. 

Phylogeneticists speculate that primates, pigs and humans share a hidden evolutionary relationship. Some sources quote that the difference between the chimpanzee genome and humans DNA is minuscule and varies by as little as 1.2 percent. Other sources of speculation says that pigs have 98 percent human DNA, but scientists are only willing to say that humans have a lot more in common with pigs than anyone may think. 

It's  just too much of a coincidence
that the Qur'an  portrays an event 
where a  certain group of Jews 
were transformed into 
"apes and pigs" due to 
their disobedience to God.

Religious groups  wishing to be true and obedient to God by avoiding pig products, pig by-products and pig co-products, are going to have a degree of difficulty in maintaining their earnestness. With the global food and processing industry markings or rather disguise their mixing ingredients with food E-codes,  it  is almost impossible to avoid eating pig contaminated products altogether. It is up to the Halal Trusts to be more vigilant about the products that they declare Halaal and on the individual Muslim, Jew or Hindu to abstain from anything doubtful lest the wrath of God turns us all into pigs and apes.

Anyone eating bacon, ham, gammon 
and other pork products from these 
diseased coprophagic beasts which 
are loaded with and artery-clogging 
cholesterol can only be considered suicidal. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016



Britain's disillusionment with the European Union (EU) eventually resulted in "Brexit". Essentially "Brexit" implies Britain's "exit' from the European Union for whatever their agenda. This may probably not have been the best move for everyone concerned but that's just my opinion.   Probably the greatest  benefits that the EU offers member states, is free trade as well as tax exempted trading with other EU members states. This is a boon for the population since it keeps goods and food prices of down. Another boon is unrestricted movement of citizens between all of the EU member countries,  which allows for  greater educational and job opportunities. But the cost of being one of the 28 members states comes at an enormous cost. In the case of the Britain, it is speculated at  a whopping £7.1bn for 2015.  The single Euro currency  proved to have many problems and contributed to poor economic growth and high unemployment across the European Union which didn't affect the British pound in anyway.  But to sum up "Brexit" in a one sentence —  an end the over-regulation! As such the EU is at the brunt of controversy.

Be that as it may,  "Brexit" opened a new "can of worms". It appears that the Brits are not the only Europeans who are fed-up of the Euro prison they found themselves in. Fundamentally the European Union (EU) contradicts what makes Europe, with its multicultural communities and sovereign states unique. The EU also promotes more bureaucracy less democracy by curtailing decision making process at local community level of  particular countries. In the case  of Greece, forced to accept austerity, which was essentially counter-productive. The EU Common Agricultural Policy also distorted agricultural markets by placing minimum prices on food which invariably led to higher prices for consumers and promoted over-supply. A move totally conflicting the  EU tax exempted policy and the EU set the lending rates for banks.

Having said all that, it is evident that the shock-waves of Britain's vote  to leave the EU was felt in  Venito, Italy. Venito is one of the country's largest and richest areas. It boast a population of more than 5 million, all of  whom define their ethnicity as Venetian and considers themselves a minority. As such, the  Venetian regional council approved a bill that  highlights and recognizes this claim. The primary  objective of the bill is to attain secession from Rome and Italy as a whole. This move has subsequently been dubbed 'Venexit'. Experts say such a move is  constitutionally  illegal,  But an informal online vote thus far  quote a 89% vote in favor of 'Venexit'.

On another front. As long ago as 1871 a desire to have a united Germany was on the cards and after the fall of the wall, it became a reality but this doesn't seem to be what every German wanted. In Germany, the Bavaria Party called themselves "The official sponsors of Germany", and they've been campaigning for an independent Bavaria since 1946. Bavaria is the largest German state and is the second wealthiest with a population of roughly 12 million. Bavaria as a state, paid more than half of Germany’s inter-state fiscal and paid as much as  €16 billion annually  to the federal government.  

As such the Bavaria Party is campaigning for and  independent Bavaria separate from both Germany and the European Union (EU). The Bavaria Party is convinced that "Brexit" would trigger major EU reforms and voiced that the time for a Bavaria referendum has come. The EU must be stuffing up really badly to elicit  responses like "Brexit", "Bravexit" / "Bavarexit" / "Venexit" all of which are trending on both twitter and facebook. 

Then there is also Catalonia and the Basque region in Spain both seeking independence, which I will refer to as Catalonexit? and  basqexit? Spain is a culturally heterogeneous melting pot that resulted from  the union of various kingdoms in the Iberian peninsula, each with a distinct culture, with different languages, laws  and currencies.  Catalonia is a wealthy region and its population feel they are overtaxed which is used to fund lower income areas, and they want to exit.  So Catalonia is currently holding  a referendum which is something Basque region wasn't able to achieve even after waging an  armed struggle for independence from Spain for more than fifty years. The Basque people have an ancient history and their nationalists want self-determination in order to revive their culture and language, which is currently spoken by one in every three of its population, which is roughly one third. 

By the looks of things, it appears that the wealthy in Venito, Bavaria, Catalonia, etc, want their independence for financial reasons with the implication that they are not willing to share. Undoubtedly the divide between the "haves" and the "not haves" can only get bigger. Considering the bulk of the European countries especially, France, the UK, Spain and Portugal  have made their old money family fortunes during the colonial period by marauding and plundering. Among which are the Du Ponts, Merieux; Decaux; Dassault, Pinault; Bettencourt; Arnault; families, the  de Alba; Villar Mir; Andic; Jove; Calvo-Sotelo; Ortega Mera; Roig; Amorim, Espírito Santo  and Ortega families.

At the rate at which countries are jumping ship, the billion dollar is who's next. In alphabetical order the remaining EU member countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.

Sunday, December 4, 2016



Microsoft — the largest software company globally — has been losing market share to its competitors, which  subsequently pushed them to enter into the hardware market.  The billion dollar question is, can Microsoft beat its competitors at their own game?  Microsoft's lightweight Surface Pro 4 tablet was powerful enough to be use as a full desktop workstation, even though it was based on older technology when it was first released in 2015. However, it is due to be replaced by the even more powerful Surface Pro 5 driven by Intel’s much-awaited Kaby Lake chips in 2017, running Windows 10 Redstone 2. 

Since the Surface Pro 4 suffered some serious battery drain problems it is would be a treat to see how Microsoft is going to handle the stronger and more power hungry chipset  of the Surface Pro 5. When the Samsung launch the S6, it also had battery drain problems but when it launched the Samsung S7, battery drain problems escalated to overheating batteries, exploding batteries and fires. Microsoft also entered the mobile phone market and their new Surface Phone is also expected to debut with the Intel Kaby Lake chips.  Should Microsoft launch both these devices simultaniously, it will more likely than not dominate technical  news for  some time because  Microsoft would have beat Apple hands down in both  the tablet and phone areas.

Google Home (left) and Amazon Echo (right) smart speakers / controllers

Be that as it may, Apple plans to hitting back with a vengeance as it prepares to unveil its iPad 2 Pro early in  2017 before Microsoft’s Surface Pro 5 is launch since Microsoft is waiting for delivery of the Intel Kaby Lake chips.

Meanwhile  Google — a late comer to mobile hardware — is due to debut their  (Nexus) Pixel 7 tablet device early in 2017 which essentially runs Android 7.1 Nougat with the sole objective to showcase the outstanding power of the Android OS on tablets.  Android is based on Linux and their is a range of linux distros for your Android device, for those tinkers who could improve on mobile apps for the common good of man. Thanks Linus! High five to Linus and a middle finger to Bill.

Hail Free Open source, hail Linux, hail Linus Travalds!

On the Smart Speaker front, Siri the iPhone voice control has lead the market. With the success of the Amazon Echo — a smart speaker / smart home controller like Siri — it was inevitable that the competition would soon originate their own versions. Google produced Google Home which  is backed  by its ubiquitous search engine, leaving Amazon Echo's in jeopardy. 

The anatomy of the Amazon Smart Speaker.

Microsoft's intelligent personal assistant - Cortana  - featured on  Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10. Cortana is an improvement of its older  voice technology called TellMe which they bought in 2009. Microsoft  artificial Intelligence ambitiously  aims to crush both the Google Home and the Amazon Echo with their software based Home Hub.

On another level Sony's PlayStation 4 has consistently outsold Microsoft's Xbox One because there are at least 6 things the PS4 can do that the Xbox One just can't. 


Opportunistic Bill initially got a contract from IBM to supply a PC operating system, whilst he was still running traf-o-data. Bill then  bought the PC Dos operating system in question from one of his university mates, called it his own and flogged it to IBM for megabucks because he himself couldn't come up with an operating system. Personally I don't think he was savvy enough.  But with cash now in hand employing real programmers was a breeze. MS DOS quickly metamorphased from version version  DOS 6 and after spying on Apple Mackintosh with their GUI, widows 3 was born which was soon replaced by Windows 3.11 which in my opinion was a fairly solid OS although it was just a GUI running on top of DOS 6. Computer CRC errors, computer lock-up, unexpected resets, etc ... plagued  the software and since it was easier to replace Windows 3.11 with Windows 95 than to try and fix it, Microsoft took the easy route. The same happened to Windows 95, which was superceded by Windows 98. The service packs updates were more bloated than the operating systems themselves. Troublesome  Windows XP eventually made its debut but was short lived and replaced by Windows Vista which gave way to Windows 7 then Windows 8 then Windows 10. Microsoft sold software but the software as a whole was so unpredictable and troublesome that any amount of updates just could't fix it, hence it was known as crippleware.

Clients were demanding that the software perform as expected or at least as advertised, or they wanted their money back from MS. That's when Microsoft legal came up with the brilliant plan of leasing the software -in condition as is - supported by  an EULA (legal disclaimer) for a once off fee or an annual fee. Coyright, trademarks and an End User Licence Agreement mean that when you install the software before you can even try it or test it, you had to accept the leasing condition, the  as-is conditions, the limited right, the restrictions, etc. In fact you had to click on a check-box as acceptance which roughly said that you agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions. 

That really sucked, especially if reverse engineering was your forte. That meant you couldn't decompile or  disassemble or or decrypt to derive the source code of any of its application. That was the greatest damper Microsoft has placed on education. The would be electronics engineer, software programmer, tinker was stopped in their tracks from getting an education at the expense of Microsoft and making possible improvements, modifications, enhancements.  Hail Free Open source, hail Linux, hail Linus Travalds! Years later when the threat of free free opensource loomed over commercial Microsoft software, Bill started an educational drive, forming collaborations with Help K-12 school leaders, and charging schools 50% off software purchases. Then there is also the Microsoft office student discount, and finally the Office free Office 365 download, - free to those who qualify.

Licensed Propriety software aka crippleware has always been Microsoft's business model which constantly needed to be replaced by newer software because it's just too difficult and too time consuming to debug and fix previous versions. Case in point, look at their track record and their latest Windows 10 is due to be replaced by its newest incarnation Windows 10 Redstone 2. Regardless, it is this cripple ware that made Bill the richest man in he world. Earning him top spot of the 1,810 Billionaires who made the 2016 List of the World’s Richest People amongst which are Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos  (Amazon), Charles Koch (Koch Industries), Carlos Slim, Mark Zuckerberg (FaceBook), Larry Ellison and Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA). 

Saturday, December 3, 2016



We are currently living in an age of rage. Racism, robbery, murder, genocide, wars and ethnic cleansing are becoming common place and people as a whole are being desensitized to its heinousness. All of this is done in the name of, or because of money. Money related to exorbitant Interest / usury rates on different scales, ranging from the United Nations system / IMF sanctioned "host country's" loans of $1.0 billion or more, to small student loans, to micro business loans.  The banks are lending everyone money, the chain stores are lending everybody money, the loan sharks are lending everybody money, pawn brokers are lending everybody money, purely  so that these lenders can buy things they don't really need, let alone afford, with money they don't really have, to impress people they don't really know just so they could be seen as  a "somebody".

The world has gone completely mad — literally! Or shall I rather say, those "one percenters" who place their own egos over and above that of humanity — is be blame for the chaos. Among them the bankers, the lawyers and the propaganda machines. The masses of impressionable people out there are easily swayed by their offerings of living large, constantly suggesting that they hanker after big and expensive homes and flashy cars, and brand name products, etc  achieved through their "in your  face" television, radio and news paper advertising.

Fake branded handbags on display in a shop in Korea
Meanwhile homes are being repossessed, cars are being repossessed, furniture are being repossessed yet high end clothing chain stores are making more credit available to their entire database to further enslave them and thereafter harass them for late or non-payment of their accounts. Their clothes are highly overpriced because of the "branding", since nobody wan't not to be seen not wearing "branded products" like surf and skate board clothing from Oakley, Billabong, Quiksilver, Nike and  Levi, etc, not to mention the extreme range of other branded apparel. Then there is also apparel ranging from Brioni Vanquish II / to Desmond Merrion Supreme Bespoke / Ermenegildo Zegna Bespoke suits, to Salvatore Ferragamo / Stefano Bemer Shoes, to Armani / Versace shirts to Turnbull & Asser / Roberto Cavalli ties, to Zimmerli / Bresciani socks, to Icebreaker / Frigo underware and even Rolex / Patek Philippe watches.  Buts that's just what the men aspire to wear. 

Fake branded Ladies heels

Whereas the women go for dresses from Emporio Armani / Christian Dior / Marc Jacobs / Prada / Dolce and Gabbana, and shoes by Louis Vuitton / Christian Louboutin / Jimmy Choo / Alexander McQueen / Gucci / Stuart Weitzman / Gucci / Brian Atwood / Stuart Weitzman, under garments by Victoria’s Secret / Fox and Rose, with watches from Cartier / Rolex / Richard Mille, etc. Young and teenage girls hanker after the Kardashian Kollection, while young teenage boys hanker after rappers and their Puff Daddy /  Jay-Z: dress code  —   Sean John label / Rocawear label respectively. 

Fake penile erectile medication, fakes placeabos on the left, ethicals on the right.

So what really makes these branded products or even the people they are named after "better" than any other person or  a tailor made shirt, suit or tie or a pair of hand made shoes from your local tailor, cobbler? Nothing really, except price. Everybody wants to be seen having money or give the impression that they are wealthy yet most people don't really have money and are in fact poor. They are perhaps credit worthy because they have jobs but that's also the only reason why they leap out of bed in the morning at an unruly hour and brave the traffic and public transport to get to work because of their dire  need to service their enormous debt  — recurring debts like, house payments, car payments, clothing payments, furniture payments,  groceries payments, amenities payments. Hardly have they made a payment when the next payment is due and that's only because they want to look good and live large — or rather live way above their means. All of this is fictitious, make-believe, imaginary, trickery, false, fake, counterfeit. 

Fake Rolex and fake Patek Phillippe watches

Speaking about counterfeit. Virtually everything out there is counterfeit. Ladies Louis Vuitton / Hilde Palladino / Mouawad / Lana Marks / etc, counterfeit handbags are rampant, totally pervasive. Like wise, virtually every Rolex watch  model has been cloned and are called replicas. Even money, banknotes in virtually every currency have been counterfeited. Fake iPhone charger are also widespread and has a tendency to go faulty and could cause your house to burn down. There are fake car parts abound. pharmaceutical drugs were even found to be counterfeit   mere expensive placeabos.  One can even find fake firearms, counterfeit ammunition and fake handguns almost indistinguishable from  the replicas.

Fake firearms indistinguishable from real firearms

Fake Bullets

Cubic Zirconia is fake diamond but mind you, diamond is the only item mentioned in this blog that is in fact real. Originally created by God Almighty, though man has never been able to clone it exactly other than make lab diamond simulants.  Though today's big challenge is to be  honest with yourselves. It certainly better to be 100% percent yourself —  a true diamond — rather than be  a 50% fake of somebody else.

Having said that, it is the originators and the counterfeiters who are the "one percenters". Some of them unscrupulously encourage child labour in sweat shops, deal in conflict diamonds and counterfeit pharmaceuticals  with activities  extending to modern slavery in Europe. Seriously, the world is going mad, or  has it gone fake?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016



The  political earthquake that just occurred took many by surprise, as Donald Trump won the 45th USA presidency. Not so surprisingly, the first foreign president to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory was no other than President Vladimir Putin from Russia. By the looks of things, America certainly wasn't ready for a female president especially not those living in Wisconsin and certainly not willing to accept a "corrupt" female candidate as president. By default Trump won the election which was centered on votes from the anger of the non-secular educated white working class, nationally. The events of 9/11 will stay in the minds of Americans for a very long time. But the political earthquake that took place on 11/9 of this year, will certainly stay with them for the rest of their lives. This catastrophe doesn't only affect Americans but people globally, whose emigrant families now live in America. Donald's idiotic policy of ousting emigrants especially Syrians and Mexicans and Muslims is making the International audience very nervous.  Creating an uncertainty amongst the populous triggering Islomophobic violence against Muslims.

Be that as it may, Donald just  delivered his victory speech and sounded quite gracious, yet  still harping on the rhetoric made during his campaign speeches. During the next 100 days "Mr No experience Donald Trump" will have to climb a very  steep learning curve, steeper than that of any previous presidential candidate. Come 20 January when Donald Trump will be sworn-in, he will also be given access to the "box of tricks" -the keys to the nuclear weapons and Airforce 1. Based on his past behaviours Donald Trump is a man without self restraint, without an ideology or conscience who seeks unlimited power. Donald's political stand and his pro Israeli stance doesn't do much for the plight of the Palestinians, much like that of all the previous US Presidents. It doesn't appear that Donald would curtail Israel from continuing with their wall considering that he wants to erect a wall of his own along the Southern US/Mexican border to keep the Mexicans out. Can you well imagine whats's going to happen with the construction sector and American access to hired help and artisans. The American debt will certainly rise and affect the livelihood of the average American quite substantially.

Could this hydrogen bomb mushroom cloud be what lurks in the mind of
President elect Donald Trump.

The million dollar question is, will Donald live up to the standards 
of his predecessors or rather can he perform to their standards. Trump doesn't take criticism likely and judging him on his past behavious, he  tends to sue everyone and anyone who that cause him sleepless light through their critisism. He also makes no bones about by tweeting about them in the wee hours of the morning. This outspoken television personality is also not a fan of the United Nations (NATO) and considering that  they instituted sanctions against Russia, Donald could come to their rescue and lift American sanctions against them. Trump isn't a fan of global climate change either, saying that climate change is a hoax thus the EPA could be in danger of not get government funding in the future. What Trump is, in favour of, is that both Japan and China should have their own nuclear armouments. In fact he's in favour of global nuclear proliferation. Now that republicans will run for America as a single party for at least the next two years, its almost nerve racking to contemplate the new absurd policies that Trump would want to introduce, especially when he has his finger on the nuclear button.