Wednesday, November 9, 2016



The  political earthquake that just occurred took many by surprise, as Donald Trump won the 45th USA presidency. Not so surprisingly, the first foreign president to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory was no other than President Vladimir Putin from Russia. By the looks of things, America certainly wasn't ready for a female president especially not those living in Wisconsin and certainly not willing to accept a "corrupt" female candidate as president. By default Trump won the election which was centered on votes from the anger of the non-secular educated white working class, nationally. The events of 9/11 will stay in the minds of Americans for a very long time. But the political earthquake that took place on 11/9 of this year, will certainly stay with them for the rest of their lives. This catastrophe doesn't only affect Americans but people globally, whose emigrant families now live in America. Donald's idiotic policy of ousting emigrants especially Syrians and Mexicans and Muslims is making the International audience very nervous.  Creating an uncertainty amongst the populous triggering Islomophobic violence against Muslims.

Be that as it may, Donald just  delivered his victory speech and sounded quite gracious, yet  still harping on the rhetoric made during his campaign speeches. During the next 100 days "Mr No experience Donald Trump" will have to climb a very  steep learning curve, steeper than that of any previous presidential candidate. Come 20 January when Donald Trump will be sworn-in, he will also be given access to the "box of tricks" -the keys to the nuclear weapons and Airforce 1. Based on his past behaviours Donald Trump is a man without self restraint, without an ideology or conscience who seeks unlimited power. Donald's political stand and his pro Israeli stance doesn't do much for the plight of the Palestinians, much like that of all the previous US Presidents. It doesn't appear that Donald would curtail Israel from continuing with their wall considering that he wants to erect a wall of his own along the Southern US/Mexican border to keep the Mexicans out. Can you well imagine whats's going to happen with the construction sector and American access to hired help and artisans. The American debt will certainly rise and affect the livelihood of the average American quite substantially.

Could this hydrogen bomb mushroom cloud be what lurks in the mind of
President elect Donald Trump.

The million dollar question is, will Donald live up to the standards 
of his predecessors or rather can he perform to their standards. Trump doesn't take criticism likely and judging him on his past behavious, he  tends to sue everyone and anyone who that cause him sleepless light through their critisism. He also makes no bones about by tweeting about them in the wee hours of the morning. This outspoken television personality is also not a fan of the United Nations (NATO) and considering that  they instituted sanctions against Russia, Donald could come to their rescue and lift American sanctions against them. Trump isn't a fan of global climate change either, saying that climate change is a hoax thus the EPA could be in danger of not get government funding in the future. What Trump is, in favour of, is that both Japan and China should have their own nuclear armouments. In fact he's in favour of global nuclear proliferation. Now that republicans will run for America as a single party for at least the next two years, its almost nerve racking to contemplate the new absurd policies that Trump would want to introduce, especially when he has his finger on the nuclear button. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016



The big problem with the USA elections is that there are only two Presidential Candidates from which to choose. It would have really been great if there were three or perhaps four but the reality of the situation is based on "either". Either Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump, the independent Gary Johnson didn't matter  nor feature. Americans in general are keen on change and are still waiting for the changed promised by the Obama presidential campaign. Regardless, president Obama has been the most destructive president in the political history of America who only change things for the worse. Essentially the masses wants change from corruption, change from lies, change from empty promises, etc. their health care is in a mess, war veterans are neglected and the economy is at an all time low.

As a consequence, the masses consider Hilary Clinton corrupt and the recent leaked emails released involving the FBI has made it worse. The fact that she used campaign funds to fund her daughter Chelsea Clinton Wedding is corrupt. Donald Trump even alleged that “Crooked Hillary” “may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the Presidency.” In fact there is a list of above 40  Clinton associates who have been killed over the years.  

Disillusioned masses despondent with the Clinton legacy of corruption automatically voted for her opposition. That means Donald Trump, a man who has never been a U.S. representative, neither served as a senator nor a governor. The Americans have  
never elected a president who has never before won an election nor someone without government experience. But out of sheer desperation for change, Donald Trump is winning votes by default. He is a man without political experience, who needs supervision, and should he win the presidency will have to  learn the on the job. This is so different from policy when three branches of government will be run by the Republicans.

Donald trump has repeated actions and comments disrespectful toward women. Not only has Trump offended women, he offended African Americans, Muslims, latinos, immigrants and the handicapped. In fact he takes pride in offending and alienate entire groups of people except other rich white men. Rich white men  respect for Trump for fathering children by multiple women and that’s purely because he’s a rich, white man himself. He has a “nontraditional” family, with five children from three marriages, even though his behavious is viewed by Republicans as shameful. 

The First Family, Not a pretty picture
Donald Trump is a confirmed a hatter, a nativist and a racist, He's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year. Donald is also callous, rude, arrogant, and lacks empathy. He is also bigot and chauvinist. Trump has been accused of raping or attempted to rape a 13-year-old child, raping his ex-wife, and attempting to rape a former business associate, considering he has a friendship with "billionaire pedophile"  Jeffrey Epstein. He is also believe to colluding with Russia. Non of these characteristics is befitting a President. However if the poles are "sufficiently rigged" for Donald Trump to be elected as president, he proposed

  1. Build a wall along the Southern border one foot taller than the Great Wall of China to keep the beaners out and make Mexico pay for it. And call it "The Trump Wall."
  2. Ban Muslims from entering the United States until country’s representatives get their act together about "radical Islamic terrorism." Also plans to heavily surveil mosques in the United States and is open to the idea of closing some mosques. Bar Syrian refugees from entering America and kick out all those already living here. 
  3. Dissolve the Environmental Protection Agency who is responsible for protecting our eco-system.
  4. Allow Russia to deal with the Islamic State in Syria and get Russian President Vladimir Putin to wipe out shared enemies.
  5. Impose import tariffs on all goods made in China and Mexico.
  6. Repeal of Obamacare’ and replace it with a market-based alternative.
  7. Renegotiate the Iran deal and negotiate the release of all U.S. prisoners held in Iran before taking office.
  8. Target and kill the relatives of terrorists living in America.
  9. Make medical marijuana widely available to patients, and allow states that wish to fully legalize pot to do so.
  10. Protect Israel and increase U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas
  11. Cut taxes
  12. Bomb ISIS and‘take the oil’ from them.
It will be a sad day in the history of America if Donald Trump is elected the 45th president of the United States of America. It will also be a global historical event that may change the course of global geography. Donald Trump is going to be a disaster for the planet, a disaster waiting to happen and the American people will only be saved if the rest of the government remains level headed. 

Monday, November 7, 2016



Presidential candidate Donald Trump really isn't fit to be the President of a Golf Club let alone a country, and that no maybe, because he lacks the tact, the caution and careful judgment as well as political savvy that is required to fill the shoes of the president of the United States.

As an "American" Donald Trump has displayed great admiration for the Russian president Vladimir Putin and praised him in abundance, and publicly contrasting Putin's supposed strength over President Barack Obama's weakness. Trump even publicly proclaimed that President Obama is "the founder of ISIS".  


"The man has very strong control over a country," Trump said of Russian President Vladimir Putin, pointing out he has an 82 percent approval rating. "It's a very different system and I don't happen to like the system, but certainly, in that system, he's been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader."

Meanwhile, Russia has become a huge threat to Western Europe with its invasion of the Ukraine, with the bombing of Syria, and his threats to the Baltic States and NATO regional military forces, yet Donald Trump hails Vladimir Putin to the point that he is Russian now has its puppet in America with the means of influencing elections. 

This bromance between Putin and Trump  is certainly no coincidence since there is already a bromance mural of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump outside a bar in Vilnius, Lithuania, passionately kissing. 

Donald's love for Putin and Russian extends to all things Eastern Europe. His current wife, the Slovenian ex-model Melanija Knavs, now Melania Trump who not to long ago delivered a speech at Republican national convention which was totally plagiarized from a speech Michelle Obama delivered eight years ago. Trust DT to pull off a stunt like that thinking nobody would notice. However Meredith McIver an in-house staff-writer working in Trump Tower in Manhattan, conveniently took responsible for accidentally / inadvertently plagiarizing his wife's speech but Donald Trump refused to accept her resignation.

Be that as it may, Donald Trump is a  ‘willfull abusive braggart’,  a 'sexual deviant' with an odd and obnoxious demeanor, he's a 'control freak', a 'narcissist with a superiority complex', he hates "beaners", is a confirmed 'Islamophobe' and even has a total disregard for the armed forces. He was born into a wealthy family, inherited his father real estate company and contacts, and made some money and several mistakes. Like the mistakes he made in the casino business as in filing for  bankruptcy protection at least four times. Then there is suing Deutsche Bank when he could pay them back. Then there's lying about his real value, yet spreading poverty when uncle Sam pitched up.

"I think Islam hates us," "There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There is an unbelievable hatred of us."

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

Donald's insulting criticism takes pride in belittling Arizona Senator John McCain saying "


"He's not a war hero," Trump said of Arizona Sen. John McCain, a Republican. "He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

Quite recently Donald Trump totally disrespected the grieving parents  of  fallen U.S. Army Captain Humayun S.M. Khan, who were   totally   outraged at the degrading statement that America should implement a religious screening, legally denying immigration status to all Muslims. DT started this firestorm to undermine military veterans and create greater controversy.

Barry McCaffrey a  retired  a four-star general who served in the U.S. Army for 32 years, to become the most highly decorated serving general, having been awarded three Purple Heart medals and twice awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second highest award for valor is disgusted at Donald Trump saying "He is remarkably ignorant and uneducated ...

Controversy without any doubt brings about fame, and Donald Trump is certainly no stranger to controversy. Over the past few years his been shooting off his mouth, offending both men and women from all walks of life, religions and race, with his snide controversial remarks. The length and breadth of the liberties that DT’s has taken and the controversies he created are really widespread.  These controversies range from allegations of mafia ties to unscrupulous business dealings, to racism, to alleged rape of a 13 yr old. But when confronted, DT simply denies all of the allegations. Now he wants the Presidency, just so that he can sit with his finger on the nuclear button all the time.  Trump is an International hazard waiting to happen and anyone who votes for him would be guilty of collaboration.

Kinda reminds me of the  President of South Africa, the honorable Jacob Zuma with all the allegations of criminal charges, of state capture, of rape and of 783 corruption charges against him.