Sunday, January 29, 2017



According to German author Wolfgang Mider, ‘Good fences make good neighbours'. Really? Eventhough a version of this saying exists among several cultures and uttered in many languages globally, it is totally ambiguous, nonsensical, let alone true, not to mention ridiculous. 

Historically, during the the Cold War, more than 3 million East Germans escaped to West Berlin. So, in order to stem this mass exodus the Communist East German authorities erected the Berlin wall almost overnight. This wall was in fact a 'Wall of Shame' because it divided a nation, spit families and especially considering that the  Western Deutsche mark was worth six times more than the Eastern Deutsche mark. It stymied peoples potential to earn and move freely.  After the fall of the wall, seventy five percent of East Germans interviewed, said the fall of the wall had improved their lives substantially. So how could the Ashkenazi German-Jew Wolfgang Mider get it so wrong? At a another point in time there was the "Black wall of Death" at Auschwitz-Birkenau Germany -- the “Final Solution" to the the Jewish Question (die Endlösung der Judenfrage). It served as backdrop to Jewish and Polish executions during world war II.  Then there is the Western Wall -- a surviving remnant of the Temple Mount-- in Jerusalem where Jews mourn and wail.  

From the above it is clear that the Jews seem to know a lot about walls. No wonder the Jewish State of Israeli built a  barrier wall along the West Bank -- Green Line. Splitting-up innocent families, separating them from their crop fields,  restricting their movements, denying them access to parts of the city. Making the Palestinian's lives miserable. Israeli Jews call it a security barrier against terrorism. But in reality the wall promotes racial segregation, it's an "apartheid" wall. 

'The Great wall of china' was built by the Qin Dynast to protect its citizens and its territory from hostile nomadic invasions. But it also restricted peoples movements, locked them in, effectively it imprisoned them. This may have been necessary centuries ago, in a hostile and uncivilized world. Are walls of such a nature really necessary in a modern day world with organisations like the EU (European Union) and the AU (African Union) than can amicably resolved issues at a global level? Walls invariably serve different purposes but in general, walls divide. Walls are exclusionary. Walls are tools of discrimination. Walls exude intolerance. Walls are just down right shellfish and disruptive. 

Having said that, Donald Trump is discriminatory, exclusionary, and intolerant of Mexicans and wish to promote all these sick values by erecting a wall between Mexico and the  southern border of the United States. For starters the proposed 1078,26 km by 17 meter high concrete  wall. This Trump  Border Wall is the epitome of poor leadership and bad governance. Not surprisingly, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu with his bad judgement backs Trump's Mexico wall, and even suggested a similar wall on the Egyptian border as a 'great idea'. Be that as it may, with a conservative estimated  price tag of 2.5 million USD  per kilometer, the Trump Wall project could cost American taxpayers more than 2698 million USD because Mexico will downright refuse to foot the bill.  Besides destroying kilometers of the local environment and ecosystems,  the wall would also inhibit the free movement for animals that need to travel for food and water. The wall would also disrupt the mating pool of wildlife, both big and small, which would potentially lead to a decline in genetic diversity and perhaps extinction.

Donald Trump's issued a presidential order to restrict innocent Iranian, Iraqi, Libyan, Somalian, Sudanese, Syrian and Yemeni Muslim from entering the United States borders. This equates to an unadulterated hatred of Muslims.  Donald further confirmed his Islamophobia or Muslimophobia stand when he stated that Syrian Christians will get priority refugee status over Muslims.  In essence that makes Trumps order unconstitutional,  immoral and un-American. Donald trump is currently the most unpopular president of America but with his bombastic attitude is soon to become the most unpopular, most disliked, even most hated president in the world.

America constitutes communities of immigrants from all parts of the world. Even Donald Trump's German forebear Frederick Trump was an immigrant  who worked as barber and a hotel manager. What gives him the right to deny other immigrants willing and intent to make a like alongside all the other immigrant families of the world. Shellfish and arrogance comes to mind. Or perhaps it's genetically inherited from his German ancestry who were also very familiar with walls.

Sunday, January 22, 2017



The age old axiom "As happy as  a pig in shit" is absolutely true, and to take it a little further, so is "You are what you eat"! Meaning if you eat pork, you will eventually develop the persona of a pig and even start acting like one. The expression "As greedy as a pig" sums up what gluttons overdo. "Pigging out is another". Much like humans, pigs are also omnivores. Again, much like humans, pigs can also become extremely obese. Boar pigs are the only animal in the entire animal kingdom that invites several fellow boar pigs to copulated with a single sow - something like a  "gang rape". Regrettably, this is what some mentally defunct men sometimes resorted to. Yet there are women who willingly participate in making multi partner porno movies, mimicking sows. "Snore like a pig" is another trait of over eating before going to sleep and a favorite pastime of pigs. Bottom line, pigs are vile with the result that humans have even coined the phrase "To behave like a pig". Then there is also "As dirty as a pig"!

Pigs are oprophagic beasts which is the condition often associated with other animals that eat their own feces and that of others. While most humans find this absolutely disgusting, it is yet a natural phenominon for dogs, dung beetles, flies, hamsters, rabbits and some primates. Pigs live in and eat their own feces and vomit, as well as that of others and even consume the  corpses of fellow pigs. They simply love shit and even mate in shit but are not immune to the  illnesses, ailments, affliction and diseases, which are the direct corollary of their enjoyment. Such filth is a  recipe for STDs like, syphilis and herpes, gonorrhea and chlamydia, hepatitis and crabs, genital warts and chancroid, and HIV/AIDS. These little fuckers are diseased from their trotters to their teeth and pig farmers are trying their utmost to control the situation with all sorts of toxic medication so that the meat can go to market. Meanwhile literal human ass licking is just another piggish behaviour that some humans imitate as a consequence of consuming pork. Not forgetting those men and women who indulge in rear-end behaviour with other men and women, which more than reinforces the adage "As happy as  a pig in shit".


1) Amitraz and Ivormectin are insecticides but more specifically scabicides used to treat scabies and ticks on pigs and to eradicate other ectoparisites like mange.

2) Phosmet is essentially an EPA toxicity class II compound used as a general purpose pesticide for pigs to eradicate parasites like lice, mites, flies, etc, as well as for the treatment of mange.

3) Doramectin and Levamisole are injectable treatment against, whip worms, stomach worms, large white worms, red stomach worms, lung worms, kidney worms, thread worms, nodular worms, muscle worms, etc. in pigs.

4) Oxytetracycline, Microfac and Chlortetracycline are in-feed antibiotic against enzootic pnuemonia, chronic respiratory disease, streptococal meningitis, Atropic rhinitis, etc.

5) Furazolidone and neomycin are treatments to combat diarrhoea or Scour in piglets, effectively caused by  e.coli, Salmonella Infection and colibacillosis, and the list goes on.

6) Swine flue (H1N1) is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by one of many Influenza A viruses. Almost 25 percent of pigs that contract swine flu will die from it because there is no treatment specifically for flu viruses. Swine flue is quickly spread by both direct and indirect contact, specifically transmitted by  pigs that are infected but do not show any symptoms 

7) Cystitis and nephritis are inflammations of the  bladder and kidney respectively. The bacteria organism causing it is usually Actinobaculum suis aka E. coli which is impossible to exterminate and is indubitably present in every herd of pigs.

Not only do pharmaceutical companies supply the above medications for pigs, a vast amount of medications are created from the pigs themselves.  The global pharmaceutical, healthcare and medical sectors are some the world’s fastest growing industries, usurping more than 13 percent  of the gross domestic product of all developed countries. Big Pharma's secret to amassing this vast fortune, is harvesting animals for medical research and for their biological enzymes. 

Animal products are commonly used in numerous drugs and prescription medications, most of which are derived from pigs or cows. Religions like Judaism (kosher), Islam (halal) and Hinduism, forbids the consumption of pigs in any form, with the Hindus also forbidding the consumption of beef. Since the global Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), scare, aka "Mad Cow  Disease"; the use of bovine matter for the use in medicines have permanently ceased. Mainly because neurological problems from "Mad Cow Disease" can  easily be transmitted to humans who consume food or medications  contaminated with either the brains, spinal cords or the digestive tracts of infected carcass, especially considering that "Mad Cow  Disease" has in incubation period of 2 to 5 years. 

That being said, "Mad Cow  Disease"  killed more than a 175 people in the UK, and more than 50 in Western European countries that import beef from the UK. Unfortunately before controls on high-risk offal were introduced, more than 480 000 BSE-infected animals had already entered into the human food chain. As a result of this, pigs have subsequently become the main biological sources for medications for human use. 


Medications like  Heparin which is an anti coagulant medication (prevents or treat blood clots) is made from the mucosal tissues of pig intestines. Then there is Porcine  Insulin (derived from pig's pancreas) which differs from human insulin by a single  amino acid, the  difference is invisible to the human immune system, hence pork insulin is weakly antigenic and results in few allergic reactions. Then there is Pig Pancreatic enzyme supplements used in 
Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy to aid digestion. 

Pepsin and MMR vax (abbreviation for Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine) are just a few medications manufactured from an extraction of pig enzymes. Several other products made from extracts of the pig's pancreas, spleen, thyroid, trachea and kidney, are further processed into supplements for consumption by both human and animal. Then there is also gelatin (obtained by boiling the trotters, skin, ligaments, tendons, and bones of pigs in water) which is predominantly used for making capsule caps and hydrocolloids wound dressings. It is also used as a binding agent in the making of sweets like, wine gums, licorice and chewing gum, etc. 

L-cysteine is a protein made from human hair, feathers, pig bristle or bovine hair, used to soften the dough for making bread. Glycerin is an ingredient obtained from cow or pig fat but it is also  plant-derived (from seaweed) and is an essential ingredient in some types of toothpaste. Other medicines and pet foods also contain pig gelitine, ranging from pain relievers to multivitamins. Some Ice creams, whipped creams, butter and yoghurts also contain gelatin derived from pigs and bovine. Powdered pig bones is also a source of calcium used in some yoghurts. 

Bristle is  pigs hair and is used to make paint brushes but is often used in the food industry as a pastry brushes for oiling  baking trays. Even some hygiene and beauty products contain fatty acids and other remains of pigs extracted from the bone fat of pigs. This is exactly what gives shampoos and conditioners, body lotions, moisturizers, foundations and anti-wrinkle creams their shiny, pearl-like appearance.  Various other pig by-products are  fabric softener,  crayons, candles,  washing powder, hide and bone glue for shoes and  furniture glue, skins for drums (musical instruments), pig skin shoes, fertilizers and additives to the  feeds of livestock and chickens. To view the list of pig ailments and sickness that can easily pass onto you if you consume swine. 


Genetic analysis surprisingly revealed that pigs and apes have comparable traits with humans and that pigs, primates and humans share numerous genetic similarities. So much so, that pig heart valves are commonly used in heart valve replacement surgeries for human beings; and  transplanting organs and tissues from pigs to humans are currently at a record high. Other pig tissues like the submucosa of the small intestine and its pericardia are also used for general surgery applications in the human body and to repair wounds. Using human stem cells, scientists even attempted to grow human organs inside  of pigs, in order to address organ donor shortage. 

Phylogeneticists speculate that primates, pigs and humans share a hidden evolutionary relationship. Some sources quote that the difference between the chimpanzee genome and humans DNA is minuscule and varies by as little as 1.2 percent. Other sources of speculation says that pigs have 98 percent human DNA, but scientists are only willing to say that humans have a lot more in common with pigs than anyone may think. 

It's  just too much of a coincidence
that the Qur'an  portrays an event 
where a  certain group of Jews 
were transformed into 
"apes and pigs" due to 
their disobedience to God.

Religious groups  wishing to be true and obedient to God by avoiding pig products, pig by-products and pig co-products, are going to have a degree of difficulty in maintaining their earnestness. With the global food and processing industry markings or rather disguise their mixing ingredients with food E-codes,  it  is almost impossible to avoid eating pig contaminated products altogether. It is up to the Halal Trusts to be more vigilant about the products that they declare Halaal and on the individual Muslim, Jew or Hindu to abstain from anything doubtful lest the wrath of God turns us all into pigs and apes.

Anyone eating bacon, ham, gammon 
and other pork products from these 
diseased coprophagic beasts which 
are loaded with and artery-clogging 
cholesterol can only be considered suicidal.